Hydro-Homeopathic Energy

Patricia Le Roux

Buch: 276 Seiten, kart.
Best.-Nr.: 03294
Gewicht: 380g
ISBN: 9-782748-305654 9782748305654
Not available

Hydro-Homeopathic Energy

Patricia Le Roux

A complete study of the use of acids in homeopathy
Buch: 276 Seiten, kart.
Best.-Nr.: 03294
Gewicht: 380g
ISBN: 9-782748-305654 9782748305654
Not available

The publisher:

As the 21st century dawns one of the most crucial changes in the history of man is impending. We are about to witness the replacement of traditional fossil fuels - like coal, oil and natural gas - by an energy which is clean and inexhaustible: in other words, hydrogen.

Hydrogen is already being used within the realms of homeopathic medicine, and recent provings and research have demonstrated exciting applications.
In this fascinating book, pioneering homeopathic paediatrician Patricia Le Roux reveals her detailed and rigorously documented study of hydrogen and the rest of its family of remedial acids, using clinical case histories from her day-to-day work as a clinician to illustrate her researches.
Homeo-hydrogen works on the energy of our bodies, and is universally applicable within our stressful modern society, offering creative, original therapeutic solutions to countless contemporary ailments.

Tomorrow's world is already with us, and Homeo-Hydrogen is its impressive, energetic proof.

The publisher:

As the 21st century dawns one of the most crucial changes in the history of man is impending. We are about to witness the replacement of traditional fossil fuels - like coal, oil and natural gas - by an energy which is clean and inexhaustible: in other words, hydrogen.

Hydrogen is already being used within the realms of homeopathic medicine, and recent provings and research have demonstrated exciting applications.
In this fascinating book, pioneering homeopathic paediatrician Patricia Le Roux reveals her detailed and rigorously documented study of hydrogen and the rest of its family of remedial acids, using clinical case histories from her day-to-day work as a clinician to illustrate her researches.
Homeo-hydrogen works on the energy of our bodies, and is universally applicable within our stressful modern society, offering creative, original therapeutic solutions to countless contemporary ailments.

Tomorrow's world is already with us, and Homeo-Hydrogen is its impressive, energetic proof.

Dieses Buch ist zur Zeit nicht lieferbar.
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