Sadhana Thakkar

SadhnaThakkar, BHMS(Ind), CCH is a well-respected homeopath, an internationally recognized teacher, the founder of the Homeopathy Health Care as well as National Institute of Classical Homeopathy. A homeopathic graduate from the Bombay University, India, she is a certified practitioner of Classical Homeopathy, a past president of North American Society of Homeopaths, and an honorary member of California Homeopathic Medical Society in the US.

Her 15 years of homeopathic experience includes working in a homeopathic hospital as a resident homeopath, apprenticeship with an experienced homeopath, a busy private practices in Bombay, India and subsequently in the US. Her teaching experience includes teaching beginner’s as well as advanced practitioners of homeopathy in various parts of US, Canada, Switzerland, Egypt and India, and speaking at various conferences. She has authored and published many articles in various national & international journals and is currently writing two books Insights into Consciousness of Snake Remedies and The Simple Truth. A resident of Thousand Oaks, California, Sadhna maintains a busy homeopathic practice from her offices in Thousand Oaks and Santa Monica.

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