Homeopathy and ADHD

Heiner Frei

Buch: 264 Seiten, geb.
erschienen: 2015
Best.-Nr.: 14714
Gewicht: 855g
ISBN: 978-3-95582-075-6 9783955820756

Homeopathy and ADHD

Heiner Frei

A new Treatment Concept with Polarity Analysis
€ 49,00
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Buch: 264 Seiten, geb.
erschienen: 2015
Best.-Nr.: 14714
Gewicht: 855g
ISBN: 978-3-95582-075-6 9783955820756


Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) constitutes one of the major challenges of our time. The experienced Swiss paediatrician Heiner Frei has developed Polarity analysis – a highly efficient and systematic approach for the treatment of hyperactive children.

This new method is based on Boenninghausen’s Therapeutic Pocket Book, using polar symptoms such as amelioration or aggravation as cornerstones of the prescription. Heiner Frei was able to demonstrate the efficacy of this specific homeopathic treatment in ADHD children in a controlled five-year clinical study, which is documented in this book.

According to Dr Frei’s approach, the disturbances of perception (e.g. visual or tactile) are the most reliable symptoms for case analysis. Their modalities are crucial for the evaluation of the case and they also rule out contraindicated remedies.

Heiner Frei is a born teacher. His method is easy to understand and each chapter is followed by concise quizzes with answers. The book contains questionnaires developed for polarity analysis and uses the Conners’ Global Index (CGI) as an efficient means to evaluate case progress. There is also a unique materia medica that highlights perception symptoms and their grades with accompanying notes from Hering, Guernsey, Lippe and Hahnemann.

Polarity analysis has remarkably quickly become a valuable tool for many practitioners. It shortens the time needed to find the simillimum, achieving an astonishing hit-rate of 75% in children with ADHD.

“This book is a must for anyone who treats children with ADD/ADHD, and of great benefit to any homeopath.”
Ralf Jeutter, Homeopathic Links

€ 49,00
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Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) constitutes one of the major challenges of our time. The experienced Swiss paediatrician Heiner Frei has developed Polarity analysis – a highly efficient and systematic approach for the treatment of hyperactive children.

This new method is based on Boenninghausen’s Therapeutic Pocket Book, using polar symptoms such as amelioration or aggravation as cornerstones of the prescription. Heiner Frei was able to demonstrate the efficacy of this specific homeopathic treatment in ADHD children in a controlled five-year clinical study, which is documented in this book.

According to Dr Frei’s approach, the disturbances of perception (e.g. visual or tactile) are the most reliable symptoms for case analysis. Their modalities are crucial for the evaluation of the case and they also rule out contraindicated remedies.

Heiner Frei is a born teacher. His method is easy to understand and each chapter is followed by concise quizzes with answers. The book contains questionnaires developed for polarity analysis and uses the Conners’ Global Index (CGI) as an efficient means to evaluate case progress. There is also a unique materia medica that highlights perception symptoms and their grades with accompanying notes from Hering, Guernsey, Lippe and Hahnemann.

Polarity analysis has remarkably quickly become a valuable tool for many practitioners. It shortens the time needed to find the simillimum, achieving an astonishing hit-rate of 75% in children with ADHD.

“This book is a must for anyone who treats children with ADD/ADHD, and of great benefit to any homeopath.”
Ralf Jeutter, Homeopathic Links

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€ 49,00
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  • nur noch wenige auf Lager, versandfertig innerhalb 1-2 Werktage
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Tim Shannon
Verifizierter Kauf
vor 2 Jahren
Makes ADHD treatment relatively easy
I'm highly biased as I've adopted PA as my only method of doing homeopathy for 4 or so years. In addition, I'm now a teacher of the method - so take my opinion with a grain of salt.

I'm in professional practice just a bit more than 20 years. This method, once you learn it well, makes it possible to get great ADD, ADHD results in adults and kids routinely. I caution though, a cursory look won't cut it - you must adhere to the heuristics and really learn the method.

In the title of my review I use the term "relatively easy." I don't mean to say that this method makes ADD/ADHD Tx easy per se. Rather, compared to most modern methods (that I'm aware of), this approach boils it down to what you need to get excellent and consistent outcomes reliably.

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Carlo Alessandria
Verifizierter Kauf
vor 7 Jahren
ADHD and homeopathy
Very interesting and well written. Dr Frei goes straight to the point. weiterlesen ...
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