Human Chemistry - Integrated Therapy from a Homeopathic Perspective

Ton Jansen

Human Chemistry - Integrated Therapy from a Homeopathic Perspective, Ton Jansen
Buch: 304 Seiten, geb.
erschienen: 2021
Best.-Nr.: 27547
Gewicht: 670g
ISBN: 978-9-4610-1364-4 9789461013644
Price reduced from €44,- to only  €22,50

Human Chemistry - Integrated Therapy from a Homeopathic Perspective

Ton Jansen

€ 44,00
€ 22,50
48,9% günstiger
inkl. MwSt.
  • sofort lieferbar, versandfertig innerhalb 2-3 Werktage
  • keine Versandkosten
Buch: 304 Seiten, geb.
erschienen: 2021
Best.-Nr.: 27547
Gewicht: 670g
ISBN: 978-9-4610-1364-4 9789461013644
Price reduced from €44,- to only  €22,50

The publisher:

Ton Jansen has worked tirelessly for 35 years to achieve quick, gentle and lasting cures for his patients. In this book, his third, he continues to add new remedies to reach this goal for our patients. It is an indispensable tool to achieve consistently better results in our practice.

Homeopathy must adapt to a world that is increasingly challenging our health. Ultimately, no-one can argue with clear, clinical results.
This is the first book in the series Human Chemistry.

Books on Body’s Own Substances, Vitamins, Organ remedies, Nosodes and more will be published soon. These will also include an explanation of how Ton applies blood testing, and the results in his practice.

This book can be seen as the sequel to Fighting Fire with Fire. The general principles explained in Fire are applicable here too.


Materia Medica of over 55 remedies based on hormones, neurotransmitters and on food substances and additives. Of course Ton has included explanatory drawings and cases with many remedies to help you include this method in your practice.

€ 44,00
€ 22,50
48,9% günstiger
inkl. MwSt.
  • sofort lieferbar, versandfertig innerhalb 2-3 Werktage
  • keine Versandkosten

The publisher:

Ton Jansen has worked tirelessly for 35 years to achieve quick, gentle and lasting cures for his patients. In this book, his third, he continues to add new remedies to reach this goal for our patients. It is an indispensable tool to achieve consistently better results in our practice.

Homeopathy must adapt to a world that is increasingly challenging our health. Ultimately, no-one can argue with clear, clinical results.
This is the first book in the series Human Chemistry.

Books on Body’s Own Substances, Vitamins, Organ remedies, Nosodes and more will be published soon. These will also include an explanation of how Ton applies blood testing, and the results in his practice.

This book can be seen as the sequel to Fighting Fire with Fire. The general principles explained in Fire are applicable here too.


Materia Medica of over 55 remedies based on hormones, neurotransmitters and on food substances and additives. Of course Ton has included explanatory drawings and cases with many remedies to help you include this method in your practice.

€ 44,00
€ 22,50
48,9% günstiger
inkl. MwSt.
  • sofort lieferbar, versandfertig innerhalb 2-3 Werktage
  • keine Versandkosten

Wird oft zusammen gekauft
Human Chemistry - Integrated Therapy from a Homeopathic Perspective, Ton Jansen+Fighting fire with fire - Volume 1, Ton Jansen =
Gesamtpreis € 67,50
inkl. MwSt.
Alle kaufen

sofort lieferbar, versandfertig innerhalb 2-3 Werktage
keine Versandkosten

Dieses Produkt: Human Chemistry - Integrated Therapy from a Homeopathic Perspective von Ton Jansen ‐ € 22,50
Fighting fire with fire - Volume 1 von Ton Jansen ‐ € 45,00

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Irina Firuti
Verifizierter Kauf
vor 3 Jahren
Not very useful.
52 pages into the book I wonder what would be its use: most of the remedies are not to be found on the regular homeopathic pharmacies - maybe they are in the Netherlands, otherwise...Then there are acronyms not explained - GHB would be gammabuthyric acid or what? Normally, there should be an index of acronyms somewhere, but not here.

All in all maybe I will get some ideas but certainly I won't be able to adopt the entire method. Too bad.
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6 Personen finden das hilfreich. Finden Sie das hilfreich?

vor 2 Jahren
Original work and out of box thinking.
I bought the book from Amazon and read it. In fact some chapters I am reading a second time.

First of all congratulation to Tan for much better proof reading and including a resources section at the end where the remedies can be procured (or atleast inquired about).

I would strongly recommend following three homeopathic pharmacies to procure this book and prepare those remedies for mass availability i.e Helios, Ainsworths, and Remedia. If a reader of this review, knows the big wigs at these three homeopathic pharmacies, please convey this message to them.

Now coming to book. It is concise, scientifically written, and easily understandable. Most importantly its original work. Tan's approach is a leap forward in homeopathy.

I am delighted to see that Tan kept theme portion to a minimum. In my humble opinion themes are practitioner's speculations. Homeopathy is practice of medicine. It is a science. Its founder was not only a physician but a scientist too. He strongly denounced speculations. Provings are first modern medical human experimentation done in a precise and scientific way. These provings are published. Later on toxicological and cure cases data was added to provings data.

Tan's approach will help many of the stuck cases, once obstacles to cure are removed.

Modern man is full of pesticides, toxic chemicals, pharmaceuticals, and is exposed to electromagnetic and ionizing radiations on a daily basis.

Classical, one remedy approach helps many and still is the preferred approach. However practitioners should actively seek to remove obstacles to cure and ensure the failures are reduced to minimum. Moreover speeding up the cure times will only enhance homeopathy in eyes of general public.

Classical give a remedy then wait and watch approach is impractical in 21st century for many patients. It has turned people away from homeopathy. Patients want RELIEF, and they want it FAST.

In order to get that relief, they turn to ALLOPATHY. Whose practitioners happily pump their patient's bodies with NSAIDs, Antibiotics, Steroids, chemotherapeutics etc etc. List is growing long by the day. I am an allopathically trained physician and when I look at list of chemicals people are happily ingesting on a daily basis, a shiver travels through my spine.

Practitioners like Tan are a breath of fresh air, who think outside the box and give a boost to main totality remedy by actively working on obstacles to cure,along side the main remedy. In my very humble opinion this should be done proactively to ensure patient gets fast and quick relief/cure.

In summary, the book is scientific, well written, concise and original work. Tan's approach is practical and addresses the obstacles to cure proactively. I give this books highest grade and strongest possible recommendations.
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Dr. Mohammad

vor 10 Monaten
Hi. Did you apply Tan's method in your practice? What's the result? weiterlesen ...
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Muhammed Khan

vor 6 Monaten
I am still in process of procuring the remedies. I would love to experiment with them. All the reason for Big remedy makers to get into making these remedies so procurement process in simplified. weiterlesen ...
1 Person findet das hilfreich. Finden Sie das hilfreich?

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