Healing Cancer: A Homoeopathic Approach - Volume I & II

Farokh J. Master

Buch: 920 Seiten, geb.
erschienen: 2019
Best.-Nr.: 25212
Gewicht: 1340g
ISBN: 978-8-13196122-3 9788131961223
Printed in India - Indian quality

Healing Cancer: A Homoeopathic Approach - Volume I & II

Farokh J. Master

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Buch: 920 Seiten, geb.
erschienen: 2019
Best.-Nr.: 25212
Gewicht: 1340g
ISBN: 978-8-13196122-3 9788131961223
Printed in India - Indian quality

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Die homöopathische Behandlung von Hautkrankheiten - Sonderangebot von Farokh J. Master ‐ € 39,00

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vor 5 Jahren
Book comprises of two Volumes. I will make comments of on each volume separately.

Volume One: Unfortunately Dr. Master made the same mistake, many other homeopaths generally make while writing about cancer. They take a journey into a territory, whose mastery they don't have i.e explanation of pathology, biology, and conventional treatment of cancer. This misguided journey leads them away from their area of expertise i.e. homeopathic treatment of cancer. First volume is compilation of poorly written facts from conventional medicine texts. Dr. Master did a very poor job at the best.

Volume two: I am assuming this diversion of attention (resulting from compilation of first volume) resulted in him not truly doing justice to the second volume, which was supposed to be his area of expertise i.e homeopathy. Book is written in a haphazard fashion and lacks flow. Materia Medica portion has redundant information that is impractical to use. Seems more like a fairy tail than a medical text. Remedy differentiation in a particular cancer type is lacking.

Then toward the end of the book he presents 22 cases, in a confused and piecemeal fashion. According to his own account majority of presented cases did not do very well under his treatment.

Herbal and Iscador treatment portions are written very poorly. Presentation is non-scientific, lacks effectiveness. This is not a book I will consult should a cancer patient shows up in my office.

In summary, first volume of the book is a worthless effort. Second volume has very little original information. Its presentation is haphazard, confused, inadequate, and at time redundant. Apparently his way of homeopathic treatment has generated poor results as evidenced by 22 cases he himself presented. My advice to Dr. Master is, in future editions don't waste your and readers' time on volume one. Stay focused on second volume content. Write scientifically, and if you don't know how to do that, get the help of a co-author like Ramakrishnan did, who has higher level of literary prowess. When you describe a remedy, don't go into fairy tail story telling mode. I as reader want to know, differentiating key notes between the remedies for cancer. And don't contaminate your work with herbal treatments and Iscador, if you don't have authoritative command of the subject.

My advice to readers, don't waste your time and money on this book. It will teach you nothing new, and might even mislead you. Remember, by the time cancer is diagnosed, the life's clock starts ticking. Using a method, in whose defense author presents 22 poorly written cases, majority of those 22 showing dismal survival,is not the method you want to learn.
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vor 2 Jahren
Thanks Sir M. Khan for very good comments. Pl write something about yourself so that people can appreciate your comments better. weiterlesen ...
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