Interhomeopathy - Editorial: Gemstones - flowers of the underworld
2011 February

Editorial: Gemstones - flowers of the underworld

by Deborah Collins

It is exciting for homeopathy when a homeopath’s passion is translated into a whole new realm of remedies. Peter Tumminello of Australia has been doing just that for the past sixteen years, exploring the world of the gemstones through a series of provings and bringing them into daily practice. He has written up his findings, as well as a wealth of information on the gemstones, in his book Twelve Jewels. The characteristics of the gemstones make them stand out from the rest of the mineral kingdom in many ways: hidden deep in the earth, they are formed under great pressure and high temperatures. They can be seen as the “flowers of the underworld” and they have been valued throughout time not only for their beauty but also for their healing properties. In-depth provings have revealed the specific potential of several of the gems – their ability to transform deep, even generational, suffering into states of joy and clarity.

Peter Tumminello gives us an oversight of his work and a glance at the remedies described in his book, though to do it justice one needs to pore through this weighty tome oneself. He also offers us a case of Pearl, showing its close resemblance to Calcium carbonicum and Phosphorus, with the added element of a profound search for self.

Two cases of Amethyst from Enna Stallinga portray this remedy’s usefulness in cases of panic and lack of boundaries.

Gerry Dendrinos describes a young man whose flat, lifeless state of depression was transformed through the use of Golden Topaz.

We hope that this issue will invite those who are unfamiliar with these remedies to acquaint themselves with the healing possibilities of the world of the gemstones.


Photo: Wikimedia Commons
Rhodonite; Rob Lavinsky /

Categories: Editorials
Keywords: Gemstones


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Posts: 2
Reply #1 on : Mo Januar 31, 2011, 11:49:47
Dear friends,

I am so happy to read this on the gemstones. I am a believer of flower energy healing and homeopathic remedies. Energetic vibrational remedies are totally fascinating. If you wish to read more, check my friend's webpage:
We call the vibrational energy of the homeo remedies using an Emotional Freedom vial.
Totally fascinating concept!!

Last Edit: Februar 03, 2011, 04:05:26 by *  

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