Interhomeopathy - Lithium phosphoricum, Addiction Case Three, Addiction to Cocaine, XTC, Cannabis, Speed and Alcohol
2006 March

Lithium phosphoricum, Addiction Case Three, Addiction to Cocaine, XTC, Cannabis, Speed and Alcohol

by Frans Kusse
Woman, born in 1973
Addicted to: cocaïne, XTC, cannabis, speed, alcohol
Diagnosis: anxiety disorder and ADHD
Medication: Ritalin

She was very anxious and she had the sensation as if electricity was in her head.
Her mother was addicted and was a prostitute. Her father was an addict too. She only saw him twice. Already as a baby she was emotionally neglected. In her early youth she was physically and sexually abused. She was very sensitive and sympathetic, but also very impulsive. She suffered from panic attacks.
Although she grew up in a very unsafe and violent environment she always had the feeling that life had to be different. She kept an optimistic view about the goodness of mankind. At school she met a teacher who gave her support, also in her personal life. With his help she found her way through life. With the drugs and alcohol she tried to suppress her restlessness and anxiety.

Lithium phosphoricum 30K, one granule if necessary

Follow up:
She is more quiet, more stable and more mature. The physical symptoms were gone (the electricity in her head). “I feel emotionally less involved with the problems of others.” Her mother threatened often to commit suicide and in the past she was very anxious about it. Now she felt more distance to the problems of her mother.

Follow up after one year
It goes very well. She had stopped taking Ritalin, smokes less cigarettes (12 cigarettes a day instead of 30). She is married and she is pregnant.

Keynotes of Lithium: impulsive, unstable, restless; cause: neglection by the parents.
Keynotes of Phosphorus: communicative, social, sympathetic
We find the characteristics of both elements in this case. The picture of Lithium phosphoricum perfectly fits. Lithium phosphoricum is now in Holland one of the most important remedies for ADHD and an example how the insights of Jan Scholten on the Periodic Table helped us to find very specific remedies.

Categories: Remedies
Keywords: lithium phosphoricum, addicted, cocaïne, XTC, cannabis, speed, alcohol


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Posts: 5
effect van wiet met lithiumcarbonaat
Reply #1 on : So September 26, 2010, 09:31:25

Ik rook sinds 2 jaar wiet en wel 6 tot 8joints per week.Maar aangezien ik een bipolaire stoornis heb en daar lithium en lamictal voor gebruik,valt mij op dat wanneer ik high ben ik het gevoel krijg dat ik licht manisch word,en heb ook veel last van bepaalde bijwerkingen zoals b.v een hele droge mond(erge dorst)en ontzettende trillende handen.Wordt daardoor vaak angstig en ben bang dat het mijn ziekte nog meer verslechterd.Ik zou dan ook gaarne een antwoord op mijn vraag willen hebben zodat ik weet wat ik het beste kan doen.

Groetjes Eric Vastmans