Interhomeopathy - Editorial
2010 Février


de Jan Scholten

A new year, a new beginning.

Interhomeopathy is taken over by the publishing house Narayana. After 4 years, it is time for a new enthusiastic group to put their efforts into this great journal. The last 4 years, Interhomeopathy has been growing enormously. More and more people have become interested and registered on the mailing list. So the old group, Anne Wirtz, Peter van Beek, Sally Williams, and I can be content with the results of our efforts. We can look back on four fruitful years. But it also took time and energy. This was all lovingly done for free. I thank them for their efforts and for the love they have put into Interhomeopathy. Now it is time to move on.

I think the new people taking over Interhomeopathy are very capable to do so. Narayana has a good organization and will take care of Interhomeopathy in an efficient way. Deborah Collins and Patricia Maché, as the new editors, will do their best to make the journal even better than it has been. Deborah has a good reputation as a homeopath and Patricia is experienced in both medical and philosophical matters. I will continue to contribute to the journal but more in the background, writing columns and articles.

For you the reader, all will stay the same.

So, enjoy the journal and best wishes for 2010.

Jan Scholten

Catégories: Editoriaux
Mots clés: editorial

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