2013 January

India's young generation of homeopaths, season two: the feminine fire

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by Urvi Chauhan

This issue focuses on the journey of case interviews or case-taking, in order to understand the patient holistically. Homeopaths who can master the art of holistic case-taking promises to bring a deeper healing experience for their patients and, in turn, for themselves. Homeopathy practiced by such practitioners is a powerful tool for deeper healing.

All five contributors of the present issue are sincere, dedicated, and enthusiastic upcoming young women, powerful in their own right. The journey of case interviews travelled by all of them suggests the clarity with which they pursue homeopathy and the responsibility with which they treat their patients. It is equally interesting to follow the individuality of each of them, as reflected through their case explanations.

Joshi Riddhi and Khona Kadambari highlight the importance of reassessment through the case of an old man suffering from acute depression, providing a real learning tool by their step by step explanations. Falak Shaikh shares the case of a girl suffering from Alopecia Errata, her explanations at each stage of the case provide a detailed guideline for further progress. Valvekar Mira’s case of a young girl who suffered from involuntary urination is presented with her thought process concerning all the relevant areas, promising an informed learning at each stage of case progress. Finally, Trivedi Jhanvi who is also a Theta healing practitioner, presents a case of asthma in a lady who healed from her combined approach of homeopathy and meditation. 

I hope you will enjoy this issue and appreciate the importance of holistic homeopathy through the efforts of India’s feminine fire!

Categories: Editorials
Keywords: editorial

This article was originally published in www.interhomeopathy.org

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