Buch: 837 Seiten, geb.
Best.-Nr.: 01906
Gewicht: 1350g
ISBN: 9-780963-536846 9780963536846
Dieses Buch auf Deutsch
Organic and Hydrocarbon Remedies in Homeopathy
Buch: 837 Seiten, geb.
Best.-Nr.: 01906
Gewicht: 1350g
ISBN: 9-780963-536846 9780963536846
Dieses Buch auf Deutsch

Ausführliche Arzneimittelbeschreibung von organischen Kohlenstoffen. Beschreibung von allgemeinen Themen sowie ca. 200 Einzelmittel.

Publishers Note:
This book is the result of several years of research into the carbon remedies. It gives Roger Morrison?s synthesis of the main themes to be found in the carbon remedies, as well as strategies for finding the correct remedy for patients who require one of this large group of remedies. However, the largest section of the book is the materia medica section which presents nearly 200 remedies with detailed chemical, industrial and structural data. This data is followed by complete homeopathic information about each remedy including extensive additions from over 20 toxicology tests and internet sites. Finally, detailed cases are presented for the majority of the remedies. The carbon remedies are a largely neglected group which includes a few polychrests such as Graphites, Petroleum and Carbo Vegetabilis as well as a many important but lesser known remedies such as Acetic Acid, Aetherum, Alcoholus, Amyl Nitrosum, Benzoic Acid, Carbolic Acid, Chloralum, Gallic Acid, Glonoinum, Oxalic Acid, Picric Acid, Sachrum Album, Terebinthina, Thiosinaminum, and many others. This extensive textbook gives the practitioner the tools to understand these remedies and prescribe them accurately.

Ausführliche Arzneimittelbeschreibung von organischen Kohlenstoffen. Beschreibung von allgemeinen Themen sowie ca. 200 Einzelmittel.

Publishers Note:
This book is the result of several years of research into the carbon remedies. It gives Roger Morrison?s synthesis of the main themes to be found in the carbon remedies, as well as strategies for finding the correct remedy for patients who require one of this large group of remedies. However, the largest section of the book is the materia medica section which presents nearly 200 remedies with detailed chemical, industrial and structural data. This data is followed by complete homeopathic information about each remedy including extensive additions from over 20 toxicology tests and internet sites. Finally, detailed cases are presented for the majority of the remedies. The carbon remedies are a largely neglected group which includes a few polychrests such as Graphites, Petroleum and Carbo Vegetabilis as well as a many important but lesser known remedies such as Acetic Acid, Aetherum, Alcoholus, Amyl Nitrosum, Benzoic Acid, Carbolic Acid, Chloralum, Gallic Acid, Glonoinum, Oxalic Acid, Picric Acid, Sachrum Album, Terebinthina, Thiosinaminum, and many others. This extensive textbook gives the practitioner the tools to understand these remedies and prescribe them accurately.

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