Classical Homeopathy Evidence Based Medicine vol. 1

Erik van Woensel

Buch: 403 Seiten,
erschienen: 2018
Best.-Nr.: 11721
Gewicht: 800g
ISBN: 9789078742036 9789078742036

Classical Homeopathy Evidence Based Medicine vol. 1

Erik van Woensel

Case studies - Long term treatment - Theory
€ 41,00
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  • nur noch wenige auf Lager, versandfertig innerhalb 2-3 Werktage
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Buch: 403 Seiten,
erschienen: 2018
Best.-Nr.: 11721
Gewicht: 800g
ISBN: 9789078742036 9789078742036

The publisher:

What this book has to offer you
• Clear instructions about how to analyse the information coming from the homeopathic consultation and how to synthesize this outcome into a homeopathic prescription
• Insight in how to make a prognosis, considering:
• what has to be treated as to pathology,
• what the condition of the defence mechanism is and the patient's level of health,
• possible causative and disease-maintaining factors,
• the patient's personal and family medical history,
• the patient's functioning as a human being: mentally, emotionally and socially,
• the clearness of the remedy pattern.
• Information that enables you to better estimate the duration and complexity of the treatment.
• The ability to judge the symptoms presented in the case as to their peculiarity and how to find the distinctive characteristic symptoms of the case.
• A well-structured schedule about the different strategies that can be used to arrive at a homeopathic prescription, enabling you to choose the right strategy in order to make the correct prescription.
• Knowledge how to differentiate the appropriate remedies and select the most similar one.
• Guidelines along which you can select the right potency to start the treatment with.
• Practical tips helping you to correctly evaluate the reaction to the prescribed remedy.
Fifty-one cases, with a long-term treatment up to more than twenty years, to practise your knowledge on prognosis, case analysis, materia medica, potency selection and evaluation of the case.

€ 41,00
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  • nur noch wenige auf Lager, versandfertig innerhalb 2-3 Werktage
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The publisher:

What this book has to offer you
• Clear instructions about how to analyse the information coming from the homeopathic consultation and how to synthesize this outcome into a homeopathic prescription
• Insight in how to make a prognosis, considering:
• what has to be treated as to pathology,
• what the condition of the defence mechanism is and the patient's level of health,
• possible causative and disease-maintaining factors,
• the patient's personal and family medical history,
• the patient's functioning as a human being: mentally, emotionally and socially,
• the clearness of the remedy pattern.
• Information that enables you to better estimate the duration and complexity of the treatment.
• The ability to judge the symptoms presented in the case as to their peculiarity and how to find the distinctive characteristic symptoms of the case.
• A well-structured schedule about the different strategies that can be used to arrive at a homeopathic prescription, enabling you to choose the right strategy in order to make the correct prescription.
• Knowledge how to differentiate the appropriate remedies and select the most similar one.
• Guidelines along which you can select the right potency to start the treatment with.
• Practical tips helping you to correctly evaluate the reaction to the prescribed remedy.
Fifty-one cases, with a long-term treatment up to more than twenty years, to practise your knowledge on prognosis, case analysis, materia medica, potency selection and evaluation of the case.

In den Warenkorb
€ 41,00
inkl. MwSt.
  • nur noch wenige auf Lager, versandfertig innerhalb 2-3 Werktage
  • keine Versandkosten

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