Miasms and Nosodes - Volume I

Louis Klein

Buch: 528 Seiten, geb.
erschienen: 2021
Best.-Nr.: 04531
Gewicht: 1070g
ISBN: 978-3-939931-68-3 9783939931683
Dieses Buch auf Deutsch
Englische Ausgabe
Rezensionen zu diesem Buch

von Pat Deacon , erschienen in Spectrum of homeopathy 1/2010

Miasms and Nosodes - Volume I

Louis Klein

Origins of Disease
€ 49,00
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  • sofort lieferbar, versandfertig innerhalb 2-3 Werktage
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Buch: 528 Seiten, geb.
erschienen: 2021
Best.-Nr.: 04531
Gewicht: 1070g
ISBN: 978-3-939931-68-3 9783939931683
Dieses Buch auf Deutsch
Englische Ausgabe
Rezensionen zu diesem Buch

von Pat Deacon , erschienen in Spectrum of homeopathy 1/2010

Auch als deutsche Ausgabe erhältlich.

Louis Klein is one of the leading homeopaths worldwide. His latest book on miasms and nosodes is a ground-breaking pioneer work in the field of homeopathy.

Also available: Miasms and Nosodes Volume 2

On the basis of his broad clinical experience, Louis Klein attributes many known remedies to miasmatic states. A miasmatic state becomes the core idea around which similar remedies are grouped. For example the Tetanus miasm comprises not only Tetanus nosode but also remedies like Hypericum, Angustura, Helodrilus and Tellurium. It is clinically linked also with tetanic syndromes, spasms or even convulsions. This new classification of miasmatic remedies is highly practical and opens a new chapter in homeopathy, demystifying and redefining the existing miasms, while adding several important new ones. It also introduces new remedies like Johneinum and Helodrilus, which he has proved extensively. So Louis Klein’s work on miasms and nosodes is indeed a homeopathic milestone.

In this first volume Louis Klein presents in-depth information on Burkholderiales including the Pertussis miasm; Clostridiales including the Tetanus miasm; Corynebacteria including the Diphtheria miasm; Mycobacteria including the Tubercular and Leprosy miasms, plus the newly proven remedy Johneinum, linked to the Crohn’s disease miasm; Enterobacteriales including the Bach Bowel Nosodes, the Typhoid and Yersinia miasms; and Parasitic Protozoa and Parasitic miasms including the Malaria and Toxoplasmosis miasms.

All this practical information is illustrated throughout with excellent case examples from two decades of homeopathic practice, which speak for themselves. This book is in a class of its own. As Rajan Sankaran is known for plant remedies and Jan Scholten for the periodic table, Louis Klein will be known for miasms and nosodes.

“Nosodes have the aspect of being vague, not precisely defined. Lou Klein has the capacity to work with this vagueness very effectively. He knows how to extract the essence of the remedy from provings, from natural history and especially from patients. He is able to make the vague more exact. This book is the first to do this successfully in homeopathy. I see this book as a must for every homeopath.” 
 Jan Scholten

"This book is a must for every homeopath who wants a deeper understanding of the state of patients and practical guidelines for case management beyond the first simillimum. Congratulations Louis, Homeopathy owes you!"
Harry van der Zee, Homeopathic Links 2009, 22

€ 49,00
inkl. MwSt.
  • sofort lieferbar, versandfertig innerhalb 2-3 Werktage
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Auch als deutsche Ausgabe erhältlich.

Louis Klein is one of the leading homeopaths worldwide. His latest book on miasms and nosodes is a ground-breaking pioneer work in the field of homeopathy.

Also available: Miasms and Nosodes Volume 2

On the basis of his broad clinical experience, Louis Klein attributes many known remedies to miasmatic states. A miasmatic state becomes the core idea around which similar remedies are grouped. For example the Tetanus miasm comprises not only Tetanus nosode but also remedies like Hypericum, Angustura, Helodrilus and Tellurium. It is clinically linked also with tetanic syndromes, spasms or even convulsions. This new classification of miasmatic remedies is highly practical and opens a new chapter in homeopathy, demystifying and redefining the existing miasms, while adding several important new ones. It also introduces new remedies like Johneinum and Helodrilus, which he has proved extensively. So Louis Klein’s work on miasms and nosodes is indeed a homeopathic milestone.

In this first volume Louis Klein presents in-depth information on Burkholderiales including the Pertussis miasm; Clostridiales including the Tetanus miasm; Corynebacteria including the Diphtheria miasm; Mycobacteria including the Tubercular and Leprosy miasms, plus the newly proven remedy Johneinum, linked to the Crohn’s disease miasm; Enterobacteriales including the Bach Bowel Nosodes, the Typhoid and Yersinia miasms; and Parasitic Protozoa and Parasitic miasms including the Malaria and Toxoplasmosis miasms.

All this practical information is illustrated throughout with excellent case examples from two decades of homeopathic practice, which speak for themselves. This book is in a class of its own. As Rajan Sankaran is known for plant remedies and Jan Scholten for the periodic table, Louis Klein will be known for miasms and nosodes.

“Nosodes have the aspect of being vague, not precisely defined. Lou Klein has the capacity to work with this vagueness very effectively. He knows how to extract the essence of the remedy from provings, from natural history and especially from patients. He is able to make the vague more exact. This book is the first to do this successfully in homeopathy. I see this book as a must for every homeopath.” 
 Jan Scholten

"This book is a must for every homeopath who wants a deeper understanding of the state of patients and practical guidelines for case management beyond the first simillimum. Congratulations Louis, Homeopathy owes you!"
Harry van der Zee, Homeopathic Links 2009, 22

€ 49,00
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