Interhomeopathy - Lac caninum, Addiction Case Two, Addiction to Amphetamine, Cocaïne, Ecstasy, Alcohol and Cannabis
2006 March

Lac caninum, Addiction Case Two, Addiction to Amphetamine, Cocaïne, Ecstasy, Alcohol and Cannabis

by Frans Kusse
Man, born in 1976
Addicted to: amphetamine, cocaine, ecstasy, alcohol and cannabis
He suffers from tensions, is very uncertain and feels himself 'dirty'.
He is a nice, sensitive man.

His twin sister died during birth and his parents divorced when he was just 18 months old. He was sexually abused by the friend of his mother and later also by another friend of his mother. He never saw his father again, who died as an alcoholic. He has no contact with his mother and half-sister.

Lac caninum LM6, one granule daily; after three months 30K, one granule weekly.

Follow up:
“I am more myself. More quiet; no more trembling inside. More open. I don't feel dirty anymore.” He dreamt about the sexual abuse and felt much better when he had told about it in the group.
The psychiatrist had prescribed him Ritalin that made him restless. The restlessness disappeared with Methylfenidate LM 6, one granule daily.

The picture of Lac caninum is clear: feeling dirty is very characteristic for Lac caninum. He is treated like a dog, humiliated and soiled.
In my experience Lac caninum is one of the most important remedies for incest and rape when the victim feels dirty and worthless.

Categories: Remedies
Keywords: lac caninum, addiction, amfetamine, cocaïne, xtc, ecstasy, alcohol, cannabis, feeling dirty, incest, rape


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