Buch: 328 Seiten, kart.
erschienen: 2019
Best.-Nr.: 13210
Gewicht: 640g
ISBN: 978-3-944125-21-3 9783944125213
Dieses Buch auf Deutsch
Rezensionen zu diesem Buch

Cancer and Homeopathy
von Ian Hamilton , erschienen in "The Homeopath" Winter 2014

Cancer and Homeopathy
von Joe Rozencwajg , erschienen in "The Homeopath" November 2015
How to alleviate the side effects of ­chemotherapy, radiation, surgery and hormone therapy
€ 24,00
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Buch: 328 Seiten, kart.
erschienen: 2019
Best.-Nr.: 13210
Gewicht: 640g
ISBN: 978-3-944125-21-3 9783944125213
Dieses Buch auf Deutsch
Rezensionen zu diesem Buch

Cancer and Homeopathy
von Ian Hamilton , erschienen in "The Homeopath" Winter 2014

Cancer and Homeopathy
von Joe Rozencwajg , erschienen in "The Homeopath" November 2015

The treatment of cancer has made enormous progress in recent years, yet sufferers frequently have to endure numerous side effects, taking a serious toll on their quality of life.

  1. Interview

Dr Jean-Lionel Bagot and his team in Strasbourg have been very successful in treating the various side effects of chemotherapy, radiotherapy, surgery and hormone therapy for many years. With homeopathy as supplementary treatment, these side effects, as well as other problems resulting from the illness itself, can be noticeably reduced.

In this definitive work Dr Bagot describes systematically and in detail which homeopathic remedies have proved effective for particular side effects – including nausea, sensory disturbances, loss of hair, mouth ulcers during chemotherapy, fatigue and pain after surgery, psychological problems, a weakened immune system, and skin irritation caused by radiotherapy.

Dr Bagot sees four thousand cancer patients a year and therefore has great experience and expertise in this area. His advice is very specific and to the point. For each type of chemotherapy, he offers targeted homeopathic guidelines to combat the side effects of each particular medicine.

Homeopathy is shown to be the perfect complement to conventional treatment. The book is written in an accessible style with user-friendly recommendations. It is an invaluable tool both for patients and for physicians.

”This book is a gold mine of practical advice to deal as well as possible with the toxicity of conventional treatments and to cope with daily life."
Professor Gilles Freyer, Oncologist, Lyon Sud University Teaching Hospital, France.

”This is one of those books which will sit on my shelves and be a great tool for consulting when the need arises."
Ian Hamilton, The Homeopath, Winter 2014 

“Do not be fooled by the title. This book is not about treating cancer with homeopathy, but, as the subtitle says clearly, about “how to alleviate the side effects of chemotherapy, radiation, surgery and hormone therapy”. It is a practical guide on how to use homeopathic remedies when a patient has decided to go through the conventional treatment for cancer.” “There is simple, practical advice on how to recognise and prescribe or administer homeopathic remedies when the diagnosis is made, before and after surgery, during chemotherapy with most of the possible complications explored, during and after radiotherapy and hormone therapy, dealing with pain and in palliative treatment.”
Joe Rozencwajg in Hpathy Ezine, November, 2015

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The treatment of cancer has made enormous progress in recent years, yet sufferers frequently have to endure numerous side effects, taking a serious toll on their quality of life.

  1. Interview

Dr Jean-Lionel Bagot and his team in Strasbourg have been very successful in treating the various side effects of chemotherapy, radiotherapy, surgery and hormone therapy for many years. With homeopathy as supplementary treatment, these side effects, as well as other problems resulting from the illness itself, can be noticeably reduced.

In this definitive work Dr Bagot describes systematically and in detail which homeopathic remedies have proved effective for particular side effects – including nausea, sensory disturbances, loss of hair, mouth ulcers during chemotherapy, fatigue and pain after surgery, psychological problems, a weakened immune system, and skin irritation caused by radiotherapy.

Dr Bagot sees four thousand cancer patients a year and therefore has great experience and expertise in this area. His advice is very specific and to the point. For each type of chemotherapy, he offers targeted homeopathic guidelines to combat the side effects of each particular medicine.

Homeopathy is shown to be the perfect complement to conventional treatment. The book is written in an accessible style with user-friendly recommendations. It is an invaluable tool both for patients and for physicians.

”This book is a gold mine of practical advice to deal as well as possible with the toxicity of conventional treatments and to cope with daily life."
Professor Gilles Freyer, Oncologist, Lyon Sud University Teaching Hospital, France.

”This is one of those books which will sit on my shelves and be a great tool for consulting when the need arises."
Ian Hamilton, The Homeopath, Winter 2014 

“Do not be fooled by the title. This book is not about treating cancer with homeopathy, but, as the subtitle says clearly, about “how to alleviate the side effects of chemotherapy, radiation, surgery and hormone therapy”. It is a practical guide on how to use homeopathic remedies when a patient has decided to go through the conventional treatment for cancer.” “There is simple, practical advice on how to recognise and prescribe or administer homeopathic remedies when the diagnosis is made, before and after surgery, during chemotherapy with most of the possible complications explored, during and after radiotherapy and hormone therapy, dealing with pain and in palliative treatment.”
Joe Rozencwajg in Hpathy Ezine, November, 2015

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€ 24,00
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  • sofort lieferbar, versandfertig innerhalb 2-3 Werktage
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vor 8 Jahren
Practical book
Well written. Practical. Easy to follow. It is original work. Very strongly recommended. weiterlesen ...
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vor 2 Jahren
The book was the MOST SIGNIFICANT investment of my life
Dear Dr. Bagot. Thanks for all your help and making a "miracle" patient in the eyes of all my caregivers. I can sense now that when I was diagnosed with cancer for the third time in December 2020, my doctors and nurses ( whom I knew since 1996 at the time of my first cancer) had given-up hope. But the Almighty works in strange ways that I came across your book. That 35$ which I spent in buying your book, was the MOST SIGNIFICANT investment of my life. It took me little time to read this book when I read through, I was very skeptical that any of these would work. I also read that homeopathic remedies do not interfere with the modern medications, there was no harm in trying. I tried and the miracle happened, there were minimal or no side effects during my Chemotherapy protocols and similarly I am going through immunotherapy and still using homeopathic remedies to mitigate side effects as prescribed in this book and it is working like a charm. Thanks Dr. Bagot for this great book. weiterlesen ...
3 Personen finden das hilfreich. Finden Sie das hilfreich?

vor 6 Jahren
Thiosinaminum 5 CH
Meine Frau nach drei Bauch OPs hatte starke Verwachsungen. Der Professor, Uniklinik hatte keine Medizin. Ich hatte das Buch und dort war unter ( prévient les adhérences intestinales ) Thiosinaminum.
Nach einem Monat ist der grosse Bauch zurück gegangen. Heute nach einem Jahr ist alles OK ohne OP. OUF !
weiterlesen ...
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Verifizierter Kauf
vor 2 Jahren
The essential in homeopathy for cancer patients. Written concisely, with practical information and tables. Thank you Dr Bagot! weiterlesen ...
1 Person findet das hilfreich. Finden Sie das hilfreich?
Verifizierter Kauf
vor 2 Jahren
Best investment in some ones health, very detailed protocols for different health conditions not only treatments for the side effects of cancer treatments - excellent book! Thank you! weiterlesen ...
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D. Sheppard
Verifizierter Kauf
vor 5 Jahren
Excellent book
Very detailed with well laid out content, and a really good read. An excellent book. I bought this at an incredible reduced price but even at its full price you get a lot for your money. weiterlesen ...
1 Person findet das hilfreich. Finden Sie das hilfreich?
Mary S.

vor 5 Jahren
Thank you, Dr. Bagot
This book is wonderful for showing how to deal with the myriad side effects of cancer treatment. It is very comprehensive and specific. I am most grateful to Dr. Bagot for kindly sharing his vast knowledge with the rest of us practitioners who seek to help our patients through this rocky time in their lives. weiterlesen ...
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Soupart M
Verifizierter Kauf
vor 4 Monaten
Approche complète des diverses situations
Très bon ouvrage par sa structure et traitements proposés dans toutes situations weiterlesen ...
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Verifizierter Kauf
vor 4 Jahren
Cancer & Homeopathy
Excellent book, really practical guide on how to prescribe for patients going through chemo, radio treatments. weiterlesen ...
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