Buch: 356 Seiten, geb.
erschienen: 2021
Best.-Nr.: 24775
Gewicht: 940g
ISBN: 978-3-95582-222-4 9783955822224
A practical guide for homeopaths.
Explaining human & sensation level.
€ 85,00
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Buch: 356 Seiten, geb.
erschienen: 2021
Best.-Nr.: 24775
Gewicht: 940g
ISBN: 978-3-95582-222-4 9783955822224

The renowned homeopath Dr Annette Sneevliet uses a multi-faceted method to find deeply similar remedies for her patients. The seven levels of experience are at the heart of her approach. The simillimum should fit at all levels for optimum results. The book focuses on plant remedies according to Michal Yakir’s evolutionary plant table and Mahesh Gandhi’s Personal Evolution Mapping in all kingdoms. Her numerous case studies are meticulously documented and show how one finds the underlying sensation.

“This book is Annette’s present for homeopathy, as well as her exemplary and endearing presence during a consultation. The text brings clarity and an overview of the current systematics in homeopathy, combining all essential present views. This basic knowledge will support homeopaths worldwide and enable them to be in a state of ‘not-knowing’ during a consultation, a state essential for true presence and healing.”
– Marguerite Pelt

“It is an excellent guide to help homeopaths arrive at a simillimum in plant cases. Her approach is simple, clear, precise and holistic. Her prescriptions are grounded, and she does not get carried away by ideas… This integrative framework can be an effective tool to aid our understanding in cases that we are not able to solve.”
– Mahesh Gandhi

“Your work is much appreciated”
– Rajan Sankaran


€ 85,00
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The renowned homeopath Dr Annette Sneevliet uses a multi-faceted method to find deeply similar remedies for her patients. The seven levels of experience are at the heart of her approach. The simillimum should fit at all levels for optimum results. The book focuses on plant remedies according to Michal Yakir’s evolutionary plant table and Mahesh Gandhi’s Personal Evolution Mapping in all kingdoms. Her numerous case studies are meticulously documented and show how one finds the underlying sensation.

“This book is Annette’s present for homeopathy, as well as her exemplary and endearing presence during a consultation. The text brings clarity and an overview of the current systematics in homeopathy, combining all essential present views. This basic knowledge will support homeopaths worldwide and enable them to be in a state of ‘not-knowing’ during a consultation, a state essential for true presence and healing.”
– Marguerite Pelt

“It is an excellent guide to help homeopaths arrive at a simillimum in plant cases. Her approach is simple, clear, precise and holistic. Her prescriptions are grounded, and she does not get carried away by ideas… This integrative framework can be an effective tool to aid our understanding in cases that we are not able to solve.”
– Mahesh Gandhi

“Your work is much appreciated”
– Rajan Sankaran


€ 85,00
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Wird oft zusammen gekauft
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Gesamtpreis € 253,00
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