Lac Remedies in Practice

Philip M. Bailey

Buch: 220 Seiten, geb.
erschienen: 2010
Best.-Nr.: 09157
Gewicht: 450g
ISBN: 978-90-76189-27-7 9789076189277

Lac Remedies in Practice

Philip M. Bailey

Clinical Materia Medica with Cases
€ 25,50
inkl. MwSt.
  • sofort lieferbar, versandfertig innerhalb 2-3 Werktage
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Buch: 220 Seiten, geb.
erschienen: 2010
Best.-Nr.: 09157
Gewicht: 450g
ISBN: 978-90-76189-27-7 9789076189277

Philip Bailey uses his wealth of clinical experience working with Lac remedies to flesh out fully rounded pictures of 8 milk remedies. Each chapter is based on personal experience using the remedy, and includes many original observations. Each chapter is accompanied by case histories, expressed in the actual words of the patients, enabling a thorough examination of how each remedy’s themes and essence are expressed verbally.
The publisher:

Philip Bailey uses his wealth of clinical experience working with Lac remedies to flesh out fully rounded pictures of 8 milk remedies. Each chapter is based on personal experience using the remedy, and includes many original observations. With the help of this knowledge, homeopaths can deepen their understanding of Lac remedies beyond rubrics and stereotypes, to the complexities of real people. The breadth of Bailey’s clinical descriptions is matched by their depth. The essence of each remedy picture is fully explored in the book, and studied from numerous angles. The result is the kind of rich and nuanced materia medica that is easy to relate to, and easy to apply in clinical practice. Each chapter is accompanied by case histories, expressed in the actual words of the patients, enabling a thorough examination of how each remedy’s themes and essence are expressed verbally.

Bailey paints a rich psychological picture of the main themes in Lac cases, from early dynamics of inadequate bonding to mother, through victim-consciousness to compensatory spiritual idealism, whilst emphasising the split in every Lac case between the worldly and the spiritual, and the ambivalence which results from this split.

The book is fully indexed.

Some of the most valuable insights into various homeopathic medicines come from their use in actual practice. In ‘Lac Remedies in Practice’ Philip Bailey generously shares his clinical experience with remedies made from milk and how they can help patients who have suffered their entire lives due to lack of appropriate bonding with the mother.

Jane T. Cicchetti - author of ‘Dreams, Symbols, and Homeopathy, Archetypal Dimensions of Healing’.

€ 25,50
inkl. MwSt.
  • sofort lieferbar, versandfertig innerhalb 2-3 Werktage
  • keine Versandkosten

Philip Bailey uses his wealth of clinical experience working with Lac remedies to flesh out fully rounded pictures of 8 milk remedies. Each chapter is based on personal experience using the remedy, and includes many original observations. Each chapter is accompanied by case histories, expressed in the actual words of the patients, enabling a thorough examination of how each remedy’s themes and essence are expressed verbally.
The publisher:

Philip Bailey uses his wealth of clinical experience working with Lac remedies to flesh out fully rounded pictures of 8 milk remedies. Each chapter is based on personal experience using the remedy, and includes many original observations. With the help of this knowledge, homeopaths can deepen their understanding of Lac remedies beyond rubrics and stereotypes, to the complexities of real people. The breadth of Bailey’s clinical descriptions is matched by their depth. The essence of each remedy picture is fully explored in the book, and studied from numerous angles. The result is the kind of rich and nuanced materia medica that is easy to relate to, and easy to apply in clinical practice. Each chapter is accompanied by case histories, expressed in the actual words of the patients, enabling a thorough examination of how each remedy’s themes and essence are expressed verbally.

Bailey paints a rich psychological picture of the main themes in Lac cases, from early dynamics of inadequate bonding to mother, through victim-consciousness to compensatory spiritual idealism, whilst emphasising the split in every Lac case between the worldly and the spiritual, and the ambivalence which results from this split.

The book is fully indexed.

Some of the most valuable insights into various homeopathic medicines come from their use in actual practice. In ‘Lac Remedies in Practice’ Philip Bailey generously shares his clinical experience with remedies made from milk and how they can help patients who have suffered their entire lives due to lack of appropriate bonding with the mother.

Jane T. Cicchetti - author of ‘Dreams, Symbols, and Homeopathy, Archetypal Dimensions of Healing’.

€ 25,50
inkl. MwSt.
  • sofort lieferbar, versandfertig innerhalb 2-3 Werktage
  • keine Versandkosten

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