Organon of the Medical Art

Samuel Hahnemann

Buch: 428 Seiten, Tb
Best.-Nr.: 05309
Gewicht: 550g
ISBN: 978-188961300-0 9781889613000
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Organon of the Medical Art

Samuel Hahnemann

Softcover - Edited by Wenda Brewster O'Reilly
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Buch: 428 Seiten, Tb
Best.-Nr.: 05309
Gewicht: 550g
ISBN: 978-188961300-0 9781889613000
Dieses Buch auf Deutsch

The publisher:

Conventional Western Medicine attempts to cure disease by opposing and suppressing its most obvious symptoms. Homeopathic medicine treats the whole patient, using minute doses of medicines which stimulate the patient's own life force.

Dr. Samuel Hahnemann, who first developed this system of treatment, distilled his philosophy and practice into the Organon of the Medical Art. Long recognized as one of the most important books ever written on health, disease and medical care, the Organon has for many years been required reading for students of homeopathic medicine.

The wisdom of this seminal work is now available to modern readers as never before in this definitive new translation.

"One of the most important books ever written on homeopathy and holistic medicine."

- Andrew Weil, M.D., Author of Natural Health, Natural Medicine

Acclaim for the Organon of the Medical Art
"The Organon of the Medical Art is a must read for anyone who gives or receives medical care."
- Roger Morrison, M.D., Author of Desktop Companion to Physical Pathology

"The Organon is the cornerstone of homeopathy. In it, Hahnemann takes us on a philosophical journey through the age-old questions of health, disease and healing. Along the way he answers most questions any homeopath could have...This is the translation we have all been waiting for."
- Homeopathy Today

"The best translation yet, and the most comprehensive and organized information about the Organon."
- George Vithoulkas, Author of The Science of Homeopathy

"This philosophical masterpiece by the founder of homeopathy brilliantly covers all aspects of natural health care."
- Miranda Castro, Author of The Complete Homeopathy Handbook

"This superb edition of the Organon enables Hahnemann's genius to spread beyond the confines of the homeopathic community - to all who are interested in discovering a gentle, safe, and effective method of healing."
- Catherine Coulter, Author of Portraits of Homeopathic Medicines

"O'Reilly has edited what is likely to become one of the most important books on homeopathy in this century...For the first time, Hahnemann's profound teachings, which are the foundation of homeopathy, can be read and understood with relative ease."
- The American Homeopath

"The Organon of the Medical Art is one of the greatest books published in the history of medicine. It clearly describes how medicines can be used to stimulate natural healing. Hahnemann's revolutionary paradigm of medicine has far-reaching implications for all types of medical practice."
- Richard Pitcairn, Author of Dr. Pitcairn's Complete Guide to Natural Health of Dogs and Cats

"Homeopathic medicine is the most radical and effective system of medicine the world has ever known. Although the Organon was written 200 years ago, it is only now, at the dawn of the 21st century, that its true relevance can be appreciated by all."
- Jeremy Sherr, Director, The Dynamis

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The publisher:

Conventional Western Medicine attempts to cure disease by opposing and suppressing its most obvious symptoms. Homeopathic medicine treats the whole patient, using minute doses of medicines which stimulate the patient's own life force.

Dr. Samuel Hahnemann, who first developed this system of treatment, distilled his philosophy and practice into the Organon of the Medical Art. Long recognized as one of the most important books ever written on health, disease and medical care, the Organon has for many years been required reading for students of homeopathic medicine.

The wisdom of this seminal work is now available to modern readers as never before in this definitive new translation.

"One of the most important books ever written on homeopathy and holistic medicine."

- Andrew Weil, M.D., Author of Natural Health, Natural Medicine

Acclaim for the Organon of the Medical Art
"The Organon of the Medical Art is a must read for anyone who gives or receives medical care."
- Roger Morrison, M.D., Author of Desktop Companion to Physical Pathology

"The Organon is the cornerstone of homeopathy. In it, Hahnemann takes us on a philosophical journey through the age-old questions of health, disease and healing. Along the way he answers most questions any homeopath could have...This is the translation we have all been waiting for."
- Homeopathy Today

"The best translation yet, and the most comprehensive and organized information about the Organon."
- George Vithoulkas, Author of The Science of Homeopathy

"This philosophical masterpiece by the founder of homeopathy brilliantly covers all aspects of natural health care."
- Miranda Castro, Author of The Complete Homeopathy Handbook

"This superb edition of the Organon enables Hahnemann's genius to spread beyond the confines of the homeopathic community - to all who are interested in discovering a gentle, safe, and effective method of healing."
- Catherine Coulter, Author of Portraits of Homeopathic Medicines

"O'Reilly has edited what is likely to become one of the most important books on homeopathy in this century...For the first time, Hahnemann's profound teachings, which are the foundation of homeopathy, can be read and understood with relative ease."
- The American Homeopath

"The Organon of the Medical Art is one of the greatest books published in the history of medicine. It clearly describes how medicines can be used to stimulate natural healing. Hahnemann's revolutionary paradigm of medicine has far-reaching implications for all types of medical practice."
- Richard Pitcairn, Author of Dr. Pitcairn's Complete Guide to Natural Health of Dogs and Cats

"Homeopathic medicine is the most radical and effective system of medicine the world has ever known. Although the Organon was written 200 years ago, it is only now, at the dawn of the 21st century, that its true relevance can be appreciated by all."
- Jeremy Sherr, Director, The Dynamis

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