Mammal Remedies in Homeopathy

Jonathan Hardy

Buch: 368 Seiten, geb.
erschienen: 2022
Best.-Nr.: 22083
Gewicht: 720g
ISBN: 978-3-95582-239-2 9783955822392

Mammal Remedies in Homeopathy

Jonathan Hardy

€ 59,00
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  • sofort lieferbar, versandfertig innerhalb 2-3 Werktage
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Buch: 368 Seiten, geb.
erschienen: 2022
Best.-Nr.: 22083
Gewicht: 720g
ISBN: 978-3-95582-239-2 9783955822392

In the clear, compelling style he is known for, Jonathan Hardy introduces an astonishing series of mammal cases in which the patient’s inner state naturally unfolds during skilful case taking. Additionally, the biology of the family of mammals (to which, of course, we humans belong), the themes found in mammal cases, commonly used rubrics and the words used by patients that point to a mammal remedy are included.

The book describes the orangutan, gorilla, rhesus monkey, chimpanzee, lion and tiger, brown bear, koala bear, meerkat, deer, beaver, the wild dog and domestic cat, dog and cow, as well as remedies made from human milk and female sarcodes (placenta, umbilical cord, amniotic fluid, and oestrone).

The case analyses are especially useful to assist homeopaths of all levels of experience to logically understand and appreciate the prescription – many of which have very moving, life-changing results for the patients. It is interesting that mankind’s ill-treatment of some of these animals down through the ages creates a kind of persecutory, ‘victim consciousness’ which is often a significant feature of the provings, and thus for patients needing mammal remedies. A middle-aged woman who suffered repeated chest infections, pneumonia and asthma where she described a ‘drowning’ sensation fully recovered with Castoreum canadense, the American beaver. This creature is cruelly caught underwater in a weighted leg trap which causes the animal to drown. Another patient with severe debilitating migraines who improved enormously on all levels with Sanguis ursus arctos, was able to describe her innermost sensation of trapped, paralysing hopelessness, reminiscent of a bear trapped for bile farming.

Jonathan Hardy is one of England’s most experienced medical homeopaths and his clinical insights into mammal remedies are a valuable addition to any homeopathic library. His warm, empathetic and engaging manner is apparent as he masterfully demonstrates one of Hahnemann’s most important maxims: that of the unprejudiced observer. With the sometimes overwhelming amount of information in cases and no obvious solution there can be a tendency to fit it all into our existing knowledge, but as he says in his final brilliant chapter on case taking tips where he discusses denial, remedy archetypes and intuition:

‘“Case taking is about understanding the patient’s state. An important part of being a homeopath is having the courage to stay in this place of not knowing”.

€ 59,00
inkl. MwSt.
  • sofort lieferbar, versandfertig innerhalb 2-3 Werktage
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In the clear, compelling style he is known for, Jonathan Hardy introduces an astonishing series of mammal cases in which the patient’s inner state naturally unfolds during skilful case taking. Additionally, the biology of the family of mammals (to which, of course, we humans belong), the themes found in mammal cases, commonly used rubrics and the words used by patients that point to a mammal remedy are included.

The book describes the orangutan, gorilla, rhesus monkey, chimpanzee, lion and tiger, brown bear, koala bear, meerkat, deer, beaver, the wild dog and domestic cat, dog and cow, as well as remedies made from human milk and female sarcodes (placenta, umbilical cord, amniotic fluid, and oestrone).

The case analyses are especially useful to assist homeopaths of all levels of experience to logically understand and appreciate the prescription – many of which have very moving, life-changing results for the patients. It is interesting that mankind’s ill-treatment of some of these animals down through the ages creates a kind of persecutory, ‘victim consciousness’ which is often a significant feature of the provings, and thus for patients needing mammal remedies. A middle-aged woman who suffered repeated chest infections, pneumonia and asthma where she described a ‘drowning’ sensation fully recovered with Castoreum canadense, the American beaver. This creature is cruelly caught underwater in a weighted leg trap which causes the animal to drown. Another patient with severe debilitating migraines who improved enormously on all levels with Sanguis ursus arctos, was able to describe her innermost sensation of trapped, paralysing hopelessness, reminiscent of a bear trapped for bile farming.

Jonathan Hardy is one of England’s most experienced medical homeopaths and his clinical insights into mammal remedies are a valuable addition to any homeopathic library. His warm, empathetic and engaging manner is apparent as he masterfully demonstrates one of Hahnemann’s most important maxims: that of the unprejudiced observer. With the sometimes overwhelming amount of information in cases and no obvious solution there can be a tendency to fit it all into our existing knowledge, but as he says in his final brilliant chapter on case taking tips where he discusses denial, remedy archetypes and intuition:

‘“Case taking is about understanding the patient’s state. An important part of being a homeopath is having the courage to stay in this place of not knowing”.

€ 59,00
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  • sofort lieferbar, versandfertig innerhalb 2-3 Werktage
  • keine Versandkosten

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Francis Treuherz

vor 3 Jahren
Very exciting and adventurous
This is one of the most exciting and adventurous books on homeopathy I have ever read. I like to start a new book by looking at the bibliography to see what the author has read and to my dismay there was none. I later discovered brief references to provings for those remedies that had been proved. But since the work is largely original for once I did not need the bibliography. There is a good index.

So I plunged in and read the book. After briefly defining his terms about the biology of mammals, Dr Jonathan Hardy describes themes in mammal cases, mammals in the repertory and mammal words. All this immediately grabs my interest as his style is very clear. He describes families of animals with their habitat and lifestyle and then describes cases and prescriptions. I have no idea how long this work took him to create, but the sheer variety of remedies and the creativity with which he describes the animals, the remedies, and the patients is unique and captivating. Orang utang fur, gorilla fur, rhesus milk, troglodytes, more milks, cats and dogs, bears, deer, dolphin, koalas, the digestive fluid of a whale, human birth materials… even a meerkat. There are I think 26 remedies with themes of their groupings and just over 50 patient cases and a description of his views on case taking.

His interpretations of how patients describe their lives, analogous to the varied behaviours and lifestyles of a wide range of living creatures are compelling. How Jonathan managed to capture the lives of these animals and their matching patients is amazing, not a polycrest in sight.

As an example the Koala patient wants to hide, not go out, just curl up, sleep, be hugged all the time, and be at home. The Koala baby lives for months at a time in the pouch after a premature birth. As a homeopath you have to sit back and listen, and capture these details and their themes. The final chapter on case taking ties it all up. The author makes it sound easy as his descriptions are very clear. I cannot recommend this book too highly.
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Verifizierter Kauf
vor 3 Jahren
Great book
as expected this is another excellent book by Dr Hardy.
Great cases which illustrate well and are easy to follow.
Much to learn or take from this book.
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Tom Farrington
Verifizierter Kauf
vor 3 Jahren
A Wonderful Resource
This is not just a great resource full of nuggets of wonderful information, but it is also a very beautiful book with stunning photography. weiterlesen ...
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Irina Firuti
Verifizierter Kauf
vor 3 Jahren
A great lecture
Very interesting insight in the mammal world. I could have given it 5 stars, or better 4,5 if it was possible - I only regret one can't find more common remedies/animals such as horse, pig, goat - so Lac equinum, Lac suinum, Lac caprinum or powerful mammals as Lac loxodonta - the elephant. I would have liked dr Hardy's view over these ones too as they surely have to have an imprint in our human consciuosness. weiterlesen ...
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