Materia Medica Viva - Volume 12

George Vithoulkas

Buch: 224 Seiten, kart.
erschienen: 2009
Best.-Nr.: 06789
Gewicht: 580g
ISBN: 978-960-87429-0-1 9789608742901
Buch nur in englisch erhältlich, siehe auch Set Best.-Nr. 01809

Materia Medica Viva - Volume 12

George Vithoulkas

Hepar Sulphuris Calcareum to Iris Versicolor
€ 33,00
€ 25,95
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Buch: 224 Seiten, kart.
erschienen: 2009
Best.-Nr.: 06789
Gewicht: 580g
ISBN: 978-960-87429-0-1 9789608742901
Buch nur in englisch erhältlich, siehe auch Set Best.-Nr. 01809

This is volume 12 of the monumental “Materia Medica Viva” by the leading Greek homeopath George Vithoulkas, covering the remedies Hepar Sulphuris Calcareum to Iris Versicolor. Each remedy is described in terms of its essence (important for every student of homeopathy to grasp) and its generalities and keynotes (important when studying a case). Vithoulkas has poured the accumulated knowledge of at least thirty years of homeopathic practice into this work – and it clearly shows in terms of the quality, breadth, and depth of his remedy descriptions.
The Publisher:

1. Essences

The essential features which I consider the heart of the remedy in which I give mostly my own experience and my understanding of the remedy. In this chapter I have tried to capture the uniqueness of each remedy, the peculiarities that cause one remedy to be different from another, so that the student may be helped in understanding the remedy in its essence and the way it differs from others. This part is the one that the students should study.

2. Generalities and Keynotes

The second part gives generalities and keynote symptoms on different systems. This part is only for reference when you study a case.
I eagerly look forward to the day when we, as a homeopathic group, possess the means to engage in truly meaningful homeopathic research - research with the aim of improving our knowledge of our medicines, of establishing correct and reliable information concerning the action of homeopathic remedies upon the human organism.

€ 33,00
€ 25,95
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This is volume 12 of the monumental “Materia Medica Viva” by the leading Greek homeopath George Vithoulkas, covering the remedies Hepar Sulphuris Calcareum to Iris Versicolor. Each remedy is described in terms of its essence (important for every student of homeopathy to grasp) and its generalities and keynotes (important when studying a case). Vithoulkas has poured the accumulated knowledge of at least thirty years of homeopathic practice into this work – and it clearly shows in terms of the quality, breadth, and depth of his remedy descriptions.
The Publisher:

1. Essences

The essential features which I consider the heart of the remedy in which I give mostly my own experience and my understanding of the remedy. In this chapter I have tried to capture the uniqueness of each remedy, the peculiarities that cause one remedy to be different from another, so that the student may be helped in understanding the remedy in its essence and the way it differs from others. This part is the one that the students should study.

2. Generalities and Keynotes

The second part gives generalities and keynote symptoms on different systems. This part is only for reference when you study a case.
I eagerly look forward to the day when we, as a homeopathic group, possess the means to engage in truly meaningful homeopathic research - research with the aim of improving our knowledge of our medicines, of establishing correct and reliable information concerning the action of homeopathic remedies upon the human organism.

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