What About Men?

Luc De Schepper

Buch: 246 Seiten, kart.
Best.-Nr.: 03219
Gewicht: 350g
ISBN: 978-0-942501-04-9 9780942501049

What About Men?

Luc De Schepper

The Dark and Light Side of the Male
Buch: 246 Seiten, kart.
Best.-Nr.: 03219
Gewicht: 350g
ISBN: 978-0-942501-04-9 9780942501049

Why do so many women fall in love with the wrong men? In this stunning book, doctor Luc helps to recognize, understand and CHANCE the men they love. Through the help of sciences like homeopathy and acupuncture, and through a series of intimate revealing case histories. Dr. Luc offers women a sure way to free themselves from unhealthy relationships. A scientific questionnaire helps readers determine what type they themselves are and what type the men in their lives are. Using the Laws of Acupuncture, the reader can find out what relationships are doomed from the start and which ones have the most potential to succeed.

Why do so many women fall in love with the wrong men? In this stunning book, doctor Luc helps to recognize, understand and CHANCE the men they love. Through the help of sciences like homeopathy and acupuncture, and through a series of intimate revealing case histories. Dr. Luc offers women a sure way to free themselves from unhealthy relationships. A scientific questionnaire helps readers determine what type they themselves are and what type the men in their lives are. Using the Laws of Acupuncture, the reader can find out what relationships are doomed from the start and which ones have the most potential to succeed.

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